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I've been searching for what I hoped would be a simple solution to darkening the default placeholder text color. For example, on the contacts form, the address fields, I am unable to locate where to click, let alone what values to place in the form fields as the contrast is too weak, unless I view my monitor from an extreme angle. The default color is #dee2e6.

I've been hunting around the code and came up with this file: ./addons/web/static/src/webclient/webclient.scss where the following code is located:

@mixin o-placeholder {
// Rules below need to be separeted. Otherwise all browsers will discard the whole rule.
color: $input-placeholder-color;
::-webkit-input-placeholder {
// WebKit, Blink, Edge
@include o-placeholder;
::-moz-placeholder {
// Mozilla Firefox 19+
@include o-placeholder;
:-ms-input-placeholder {
// Internet Explorer 10-11
@include o-placeholder;

Where or how can I set the colors to use? Seem simple enough, somewhere I need to define $input-placeholder-color.

I tried reading and frankly I'm lost.

Can someone spell out a solution for me?

PS: I'm not all that strong with CSS, so, I might need a few more details than other web developers 😉

Thank you

Appreciate you coming back and providing your solution. That's a rarety!

Another option might be to use an add-in like Stylus to override the CSS. I haven't tried it yet on Odoo but it's worked well for me in the past. There are a few places I plan to use it on Odoo in the future.

IMHO the designers have good too far in their minimalism and would do well to always remember this is a business product meant for heavy data entry.

Author Best Answer

OK, I've hired a contractor for the hint and here's our solution.

Create the file structure for a custom addon...


Then\\ the\\ contents\\ of\\ this\\ file /opt/odoo/odoo\\-server/custom\\-addons/custom_placeholder_color/static/css/main\\.scss\\ will\\ set\\ the\\ color\\ scheme\\.

:root\\ \\{
\\-\\-bs\\-gray\\-300:\\ \\#474747;
::placeholder\\ \\{
\\ \\ color:\\ \\#474747;

In\\ addition\\ this\\ file\\ may\\ be\\ valuable\\ to\\ someone\\ starting\\ out\\.

cat\\ /opt/odoo/odoo\\-server/custom\\-addons/custom_placeholder_color/__manifest__\.py
\#\ \-\*\-\ coding:\ utf\-8\ \-\*\-

\ \ \ \ 'name':\ 'Placeholder\ Color\ Changer',
\ \ \ \ 'version':\ '16\.0\.0\.1',
\ \ \ \ 'author':\ 'gray duck locks',
\ \ \ \ 'license':\ 'OPL\-1',
\ \ \ \ 'website':\ '',
'category': 'Extra',
'depends': [
'data': [

'assets': {

'web.assets_backend': [
], },

'description': u'Change all placeholder color to #474747',

Does anyone have comments about improving this solution?

Thank you


Sorry guys, the formatting is terrible, I tried twice, but this forum does not display the way I entered the text. Hopefully you get the idea.